Cookie Policy

This policy provides users of this website (hereinafter “Website“) with the information required by art. 13 of Reg. (EU) n. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR“), accordingly with art. 122 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 (hereinafter “Privacy Code“) and Decision of Italian supervisory authority of 8 May 2014, “Simplified Arrangements to provide Information and obtain Consent Regarding Cookies“, as supplemented by “Guidelines on the use of cookies and other tracking tools” of 10 June 2021 (hereinafter “Decision“)

1. Identity and contact details of the data controller

The data controller VezzDesign S.r.l., VAT 01330530195, with registered office in Via Cremona n. 94, 26013 – Crema (CR) (hereinafter “Data Controller”).

The Data Controller can be contacted at the e-mail address

2. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files sent to the user’s terminal equipment (usually to the user’s browser) by the websites the user visits; they are stored in the user´s terminal equipment to be then re-transmitted to the websites on the user’s subsequent visits.

In general, there are three different ways to classify cookies: their provenance, how long they endure, what purpose they serve.

First party and third party cookies

Unlike first-party cookies, which are put on your device directly by the website you are visiting, third-party cookies are placed on your device by a third party (like an advertiser or an analytic system).

Technical, analytical and profiling cookies

Depending on the purpose, cookies can be divided into technical cookies and profiling cookies.

Technical cookies are stored for the sole purpose of “carrying out the transmission of a communication over an electronic communication network or as strictly necessary for the supplier of an information society service explicitly requested by subscriber or user to provide the service” (see Art. 122, paragraph 1 of Privacy Code).

They are essential for you to browse the websites and use its features, such as accessing secure areas of sites (so-called “essential” or “strictly necessary”). They allow a user to navigate back and forth between pages without losing their previous actions from the same session. Cookies that allow web shops to hold your items in your cart while you are shopping online are an example of strictly necessary cookies. These cookies will generally be first-party session cookies.

This category includes also “references cookies” (also known as “functionality cookies”), which allow a website to remember choices you have made in the past, like what language you prefer, what region you would like weather reports for, or what your username and password are so that you can automatically log in.

Pursuant to the art. 122 of the Privacy Code, technical cookies do not require consent, but it should be explained to the user what they do and why they are necessary or useful.

There are also “analytical cookies aimed at collecting aggregated information about quantity of users and how they browse the website (which pages they visited and which links they clicked on) in order to improve website functions.

Pursuant to the Decision, analytical cookies are equivalent to technical cookies (and, therefore, users’ consent is not required) if – and therefore for their usage users consent shall be collected – the requirements therein specified are met.

 Profiling cookies or similar tools (e.g. pixels, fingerprints, etc.) are used to track on line activity and behaviour for marketing purposes. They allow advertisers to create profiles of users’ preferences, habits, choices, etc. in order to deliver them targeted advertising.

These kinds of cookies, pursuant to art. 122 of the Privacy Code can be stored on the users’ device only after they have given their consent, after being informed in the simplified manner indicated in the Decision: publication on the site of a “short” notice contained in a banner that appears immediately on the home page or other page through which the user can access the site), which refers to an “extended” notice, which is accessed through a clickable link by the user.

Uses must be able to access the websites even if they refuse to allow the use of profiling cookies.

Permanent and session cookies

Session cookies are temporary and expire once you close your browser (or once your session ends).

Persistent cookies remain on your hard drive until you erase them or your browser does, depending on the cookie’s expiration date. All persistent cookies have an expiration date written into their code, but their duration can vary.

In any case, cookies can only be read or modified by the website that generated them; they cannot be used to retrieve any data from the user’s terminal and cannot transmit computer viruses. Some of the functions of cookies can also be performed by other technologies; therefore, in the context of this policy, the term “cookies” is intended to refer only to cookies and all similar technologies.


List of cookies used by the Site

Technical cookies

The Site uses technical cookies installed for the purposes indicated below, for which the prior consent of the users is not required pursuant to art. 122 of the Privacy Code.


Cookie di profilazione
Sul Sito sono installati cookie di profilazione, volti a veicolare verso l’utente messaggi pubblicitari del Titolare o di terzi.
Tali cookie sono installati previo consenso degli utenti.
Di seguito è riportato il nome dello strumento, la terza parte a cui si riferisce, la finalità di utilizzo e la durata dello stesso, nonché il link all’informativa privacy di tale terza parte.

1.gifFirst partyUsed to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for optimizing CMP product delivery. Session
CookieConsentStores the user’s cookie consent state for the current domain1 year
elementorUsed in context with the website’s WordPress theme. The cookie allows the website owner to implement or change the website’s content in real-time.Persistent
wpEmojiSettingsSupportsThis cookie is part of a bundle of cookies which serve the purpose of content delivery and presentation. The cookies keep the correct state of font, blog/picture sliders, color themes and other website settings.Session

Analytical / profiling cookies

The Site uses analytical cookies created and made available by third parties to statistically analyze accesses or visits to the Site itself, to allow the Data Controller to improve the structure, navigation logic and content and to collect information on the use of the Site.

For more details and information users can visit the following link:

These cookies are installed if the user give her/his consent.

Below, for each analytical cookie used, the name, the first or third party to which it refers, the purpose of use and duration are reported.

_gaGoogleUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.2 years

3. Recipients

The processing of data related to the web services of the Site is carried out by personnel expressly authorized to do so and who have received adequate operational instructions, as well as by a technical provider in charge of creating and managing the Site, duly designated pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR.

The data are processed also by the third parties pointed out above, that they process them for the indicated purpose as independent controller.

The Data Controller transfers data outside the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) and in particular in the United States, where It provider and the third parties above mentioned are established, country that have been deemed adequate by virtue of the European Commission decision of 10 July 2024 – EU-US Data Privacy Framework. Where data will be transferred to third countries not benefitting of an adequacy decision, the “transfer tools” referred to in Article 46 of the GDPR (specifically, SCCs) will be used, evaluating the possible provision of “supplementarymeasures” to ensure a level of protection substantially equivalent.

For more information, see the links to the privacy policy of the third party indicated above.

4. Procedures for granting and withdrawing consent

The profiling and analytical cookies will be installed on users devices only after their consent, expressed by selecting the “Accept” button (or similar acceptance button) in the banner containing the short information notice. Consent to the use of cookies is recorded with a special “technical cookie”. If user clicks on the “Deny” button (or similar refusal button), such cookies will be not installed.

Users can always change their choice and, in particular, revoke the consent previously given, by clicking on “Cookie settings” at the bottom of each page of the Portal.

Users may, however, express their options on cookies also through the settings of the browser used. Even if the web browser used by the user is set to automatically accept cookies, the user can modify the default configuration through the settings menu, deleting and/or removing all or some cookies, blocking the sending of cookies or limiting it to certain sites. Disabling, blocking cookies or deleting them may compromise the optimal use of certain areas of the Portal or prevent certain features of the same, as well as affect the operation of third party services.  Below are the links to the guides to cookie management for the main browsers:

For browsers other than those listed above, it is necessary to consult the relevant guide to identify how to manage cookies.

5. Data subjects’ rights

Data subjects may exercise their rights under the GDPR by sending an e-mail to the Data Controller to the address indicated in par. 1 above. In particular, in addition to what is pointed out in the previous paragraph, they have the right:

  • to obtain the confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning them are being processed, and, where that is the case, access the data concerning them in accordance with Article 15 GDPR,
  • to obtain the rectification of inaccurate data,
  • to have incomplete data completed,
  • to obtain the erasure of data in the cases provided for by Article 17 GDPR (“right to be forgotten”),
  • to obtain restriction of processing in the cases provided for by Article 18 GDPR,
  • to object, at any time, on grounds relating to their own particular situation, to the processing carried out in the legitimate interest of the Controller,
  • where the processing is based on consent or contract and is carried out by automated means, to receive the data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided (“right to data portability”);
  • to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the Member State of their habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.